Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Bee Bots

Image result for bee bots

In this lesson I learnt what a bee bot is and how it can be used within a classroom. These are simple to programme robots aimed at children.

A bee bot is an exciting and colourful robot used for teaching children sequencing, problem solving and estimation. Alongside this I feel these robots are a way in which to get children exited about using IT as it is fun, engaging and very interactive. the bee bot can be programmed to go forwards, backwards and turns.

How we can use Bee bots within the classroom:

These simple robots can be used in various ways. In the It lesson we used a map made by us then programmed the bot to follow the path. Making the map ourselves I feel was a good Idea as we could make it a more personal experience and this would make children feel accomplished once completed. other ways in which we can use bee bots can be seen here in this video clip below:

As we can see, the Beebot can be used cross curricular to introduce new ideas in other areas and also games. This can mean that children are having fun playing a game but also learning.

We then created a bee bot mask to personalise our bee bots.  This links in to Art and Design and allows children to explore their creativity. I enjoyed making the masks and feel this is a fun way to expand the use of Bee bots in to other areas of the curriculum.
Advantages of Beebots:
  • Robust and small design
  • Clear and bright buttons
  • Memory of up to 40 steps
  • No confusing degrees to program
  • Sounds and flashing eyes confirm your instructions
  • Fantastic cross-curricular resources also available in the form of mats. 

Bee bots within The IT curriculum can be used to teach the following:

The National Curriculum Key Stage 1 states that pupils should be taught to:
  • understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions create and debug simple programs
  • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other on line technologies.
We were asked what an algorithm is? An algorithm is a set of instructions designed to solve a specific problem.  

Although I have discussed many of the advantages of using a Bee Bot I do feel there are some disadvantages such as: 
EAL may find the use of Bee bots difficult as they are unfamiliar with the language to control it. 
Children who have behavioural issues may find that the repetitive nature of the Bee bot leads them to get bored quickly or become disinterested. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this useful information!
    Did you find that there were any safety or ethical issues that may come into play when using Bee Bots?
